Self Release
Genre: Psych Rock/Doom
Rating: 4/5
If you like the recent trend of bands who take their influences from late 60's Psych and then smothered em with Tony Iommi riffs then here's another. UNCLE ACID AND THE DEADBEATS are a three piece from the UK and they're about as secretive as it gets. The info on this band is pretty scarce (another trend of late) but what I do know is that their members go by the names Uncle Acid (Vocals, Guitar and Keyboards) Kat (Bass) and Red (Drums). This is also their second full length which only came out in very limited quantities. Welcome to the wonderful world of Psychedelic Rock meets Doom Metal again. Some people (re: idiots) are now calling all of this type of stuff "retro doom". Chances are they will get noticed by more than just the 355 people who like em on their Facebook profile page. I'd say Tee Pee Records should re-release this in mass quantities but who knows? Blood Lust is definitely worthy of some lava lamps, strobe lights and the intake of illegal substances. Uncle Acid was obviously in the top of his class when he (?) graduated from the Tony Iommi school of guitar. Hey it works on songs like the rhythmic "13 Candles", the haunting psych pop sounds of "Ritual Knife" and the opener "I'll Cut You Down" which literally does. So lets review here, in the early 80's we had the Paisley Underground movement most noticeably pushed by Bomp/Voxx records. In the 90's it was the return of 60's Garage Rock followed by the New Bohemian sound in the late 90s/early 2000s. Now in the past few years we've got Psych Rock meandering within Doom circles. Here's something a few people (re: idiots) might have forgotten, SABBATH killed the summer of love.
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/uncleacid
wooo... nice one!